I just purchased a new American Press Bar for our facility at Ohio University. The American Press Bar is like the typical Swiss Bar, except it has a some additional features for your pressing pleasure, including different width grips set specifically in areas to replicate the various bench grips you may use (particularly when you rotate grips in something like speed bench). I used it for incline bench today and LOVED it. I'm looking forward to using it for floor press, overhead press, regular bench and assistance work variations..
A. Medium Grip lat Pulldown - 5x12
B. Swiss Bar Incline Bench - 3x8 w/ 225lbs
C. Drop Sets w/ 135lbs, alternating between close grip and widest grip - 4x12
D1. Front/Side Dumbbell Raises - 3x20
D2. Dumbbell Shrugs - 3x22
D3. Wide Grip High Cable Rows - 3x12
E1. Lying Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extensions - 3x15
E2. Hammer Curls - 3x12
F1. Tricep Cable Pushdowns - 3x20
F2. EZ Bar Curls - 3x10
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