After a week off post-meet and then 3 weeks of just machine and dumbbell work, this is my first week back squatting. I'm forcing myself to keep the weights light and try to build up my work capacity and build some muscle. The weights will go up each week while keeping the reps higher for the time being. I'm going to do box squat variations in my briefs on my main squat day and then do closer stance raw pause squats (reps) on my secondary day for the next few weeks. I'm still doing a decent amount of stuff before I actually start squatting as well..
A. Walking Lunges Around Track - 1/10 mile
B1. Hanging Leg Raises (straight leg) - 4x10
B2. GHR - 4x8
C. Wide Stance Box Squats in Metal Ace Briefs - 3x10 & 1x15 w/ 315lbs
D. Straight Leg Deadlifts - 5x10 w/ 225lbs
E1. One Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3x20 w/ 100lb dumbbells
E2. Triceps Pushdowns - 3x25 light
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