I’m currently taking an off week of training hitting some volume to give my joints a bit of a break before beginning to ramp up for two meets, the APF Illinois State Meet and APF Senior Nationals.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

After the meet I took two days entirely off from any kind of physical activity. It was nice to have a bit of time off, but I know I'm one that gets back into the gym fairly quickly. If I did not have more meets coming up, I would have likely taken the whole week off, but I know I've got to get back on the platform in a month for the APF Illinois State meet. This meet is just going to be a qualifier for me to get to Nationals, so I won't be putting up any big weights there, but I'm beginning to train for Nationals as the bigger picture.

Anyways...Tuesday I opted to get some training in at the rec center, and start things off with some leg training. I knew this was going to leave me sore due to the volume and time under tension, but I know my muscles and tendons probably need some of the blood flow. It was a good, fun training session, and it was awesome to get a great pump and not touch a bar with any intent. I also trained my calves...for the first time in probably over a year. Useful..probably not. Fun...absolutely.

I'll be hitting more volume like work for the rest of the week, and then back to some powerlifting training on Saturday!

Items Used in this Training Session

Warm Up
Leg Swings - 2x10 per leg
BW Squat - 2x10

A1) Seated Leg Curls
2x15 (warm up/feeder sets)
3x10 + 2 drop sets on last set

B1) Horizontal Hack Squat
1 Plate Per Side x 10
2 Plates Per Side x 10
3 Plates Per Side x 10
4 Plates Per Side x 10
4.5 Plates Per Side x 10
2 Plates Per Side x 20, using a close stance and constant tension

C1) Leg Extensions
2x12 + 1 drop set on each set

D1) Close Stance Leg Press

E1) Stiff Leg Deadlifts
3x12, focusing on a good stretch

F1) Seated Calf Raises
3x10 (these had a 2 second hold in the bottom AND top...KILLER)

G1) Calf Machine (gastroc)
2x20 (1 second hold at the top)