September 4 - Bench
One of the biggest issues I noticed by missing my 3rd attempt bench at my last meet was how inconsistent I am with where I touch when weights start to get heavy. I'm not sure how long it's been an issue, but Vinny Dizenzo also pointed it out during one of my last bench workouts before the meet. After acknowledging the problem and consulting with my coach, Mike Mastell, we are going to do a wave of slow eccentric benches to force me to become consistent with my touching point.
5 Second Eccentric Bench Press
Worked up to 330 for 8 sets of 2. Hooooly crap, eccentric benching sucks! Really forces you to be as tight as humanly possible. I also tried to do the double in a single breath.
Flat DB Bench
3x12, worked up to 120's.
DB Six Ways
5x10 @ 15 lbs each hand
Weighted Dips
3x12, worked up to 2 chains around neck
Seated Palms Up DB Curls superset w/ Rope Pushdowns
3x12 curls into 3x20 pushdowns