October 4th - Shoulders / Arms

Managed to squeeze in some extra shoulder work and the arm accessory movements that I had to skip on Sunday between my morning hands on training and my evening class. Fired off this workout with very short rest periods and lots of supersets. Worked up a really good sweat and got a good pump in.

Seated DB Arnold Press - 70's x 12, 80's x 10 x 2

DB Six Ways superset w/ Micro Band Scarecrows - 3x10 on each movement

DB CSR's superset w/ Mini Band Pullaparts - 80's x 10, 85's x 10, 90's x 10, 90's x 10 into 100 reps, Casey Williams style

DB Extensions - 40's x 12, 45's 3x10 - kept these as strict as humanly possible. Slight point in the elbows towards my head, elbows tucked in as tight as possible, slow eccentrics, no momentum whatsoever. I've found this is the only way I can keep doing extensions pain free.

Superset with...

Cable Reverse Curls - 4x20

L Sit Holds - 4 sets of as long as possible