October 11 - Arms

Even though this workout was just finishing up some arm work I missed out on the day prior, it felt so damn good to say that I trained four times this week. 7 weeks of training 2-3 times per week feels like an eternity when you're used to Mike Mastell volume 4-5 days per week.

DB Extensions - 40's x 12, 45's x 10, 45's x 10, 45's x 8 - did these as strict as I described them in previous weeks. Still feeling awesome so I'm gonna run with these for a while.

DB Spider Curls - 4x10, slow negatives

Cable Pushdowns - 2x50 just to get the elbows loosened up

DB Zottman Curls - 3x10

Windshield Wipers - 50 total reps