October 10 - Bench Press

Began a new wave of BP %'s after essentially hitting my limit on the 3 second eccentrics last week.

3-1-0 Tempo Bench Press
Worked up to 8x2 with 355. Bar path consistency is starting to get there!

Swiss Bar Wide Grip Bench Press (feet up)
255 3x10

Swiss Bar Close Grip Bench Press (feet up)
215 3x12, my triceps are weak as hell! Jeez...

Hybrid Cable Upright Rows/Face Pulls

Bamboo Bar Skullcrushers
5x10, super slow tempos
- This bar utterly destroyed my triceps. Doing these with a super slow tempo made them even more brutal - and made them actually feel great on my elbows. Need to rotate these in more frequently.

Had some more arm stuff to do, but as was par for the course this week, had to leave before the gym closed.