Fri, 30 Apr 18


I have an official programmed 3rd gym training day now versus the optional 3rd day of making up assistance work I had missed earlier in the week that I had in my prior two blocks of training.  This may be a mistake due to the demands of my school schedule.  It was already sodded up today in week 1 because instead of just a morning lab I had class all day.  As such, I hit the highlights and then called it.

Power Snatches

lots of warmups with the bar doing muscle snatches, OHSQ, SGBTN presses, etc.




My technique is rusty AF thanks to not having done much in the way of weightlifting in almost a year.  The weight was easy to do, but doing it right was not.

Crazy DB Strict Press/Close Grip Lat Pulldowns


15ea x 20/8x170

15ea x 25/8x170

15ea x 30/8x170