Wed, 9 Dec 15
One final down, four more to go. This was the opening salvo in PT school's final attempt to end me this semester. I believe it went well, but the hard stuff starts on Monday when I get nailed four days in a row. Between now and next Thursday, my life will consist of studying, training (I hope), eating, and sleeping. Both Marc and I managed to induce headaches within about 5 minutes of starting training and mine got bad enough that I dropped a couple sets at the end of it. I think PT school is making my agent orange act up.
Band Assisted GHR
2x12xBW-micro - At this point, I'm fairly sure the band is just a security blanket.
Bulgarian Split Squats with Pause on 5s
3x10ea x BW - Mmmmm, sweet sweet orthostatic hypotension.
Hyper Holds/Single Leg Calf Raise
2x{30" x 50/26ea x BW} - I need to pick a different ab exercise than we had programmed because it's too much stretch for me to overcome with the weight of my thunder thighs. I also ended up skipping out on the last sets of low back and calves due to a crew of angry crossfit gnomes doing sledge hammer swings in my noggin.