Mon, 18 Jan 16

Onto the next block of my modified 5/3/1 training.  We are cutting back slightly on the volume and switching out a couple of exercises that weren't working out while adding in a couple others that should help bring up some weak areas.  Today went pretty well, but I was all over the place and seriously inconsistent with my technique on log today.  Fortunately the weight was light so I was able to compensate with stupidity.  Also Wednesday I have 2 final exams for my winter semester, one for visceral anatomy lecture and one for the associated lab.  This means I'll probably be studying 10-12 hours minimum over the next day and a half and testing for about 4 hours on Wednesday.  On the bright side, I get to train after it's over and then it's on to the start of Spring semester on Monday of next week.

Log Clean & Jerk (clean once)

complex x 85

complex x 135

complex x 185




Weighted Neutral Grip Pullups




Lateral Raise/Trap Bar Shrugs/Weighted Hypers


Triceps Pushdowns/DB Curls

12x100/12ea x 30

12x100/12ea x 35

8x100/12ea x 35 - Triceps totally crapped the bed on the third set. Not sure why - maybe not enough food prior to training today.

Ab Circuit

2 times through, hip flexors are still my limiting factor here.  I'm going to stick with only 2 sets until they start to catch up and then I'll add a third set.