Sat, 23 Jan 16
We got about 4 inches of snow last night, but it switched over to rain late night/early morning so while the roads weren't super clear, it was warm enough to be mostly slush and little to no ice. It was raining/sleeting/snowing all morning and the rest of the day so we trained inside today thanks to Michael Saint Cloud.
Circus DB C&P
complex x 75
3ea x 115
3ea x 135
1ea x 155
9x155 - 6x right, 3x left done in 60 sec to give Gregg a number to shoot for.
Everyone got some solid technique work in on the CDB and seemed to have an improved rack position after a lot of cueing and discussion.
Farmer's Walk
35' x 110
35' x 200
35' x 250
35' x 300
35' x 360 - No drops, but this was a major struggle for me today, much harder than it should have been. We were only doing 35 foot runs due to limited space from being indoors.
Bill hit a big farmer's PR today with 300 and Marc took 230 for a stroll for a little PR for himself as well.
Prowler/Tire Medley
5x{30' x low handle prowler push/4 flips x ~400 lb tire} - Not bad with a 4 man rotation, I should have upped either the prowler weight, number of flips, or both. This was a lot more of a gasser last time when it was just me and Inman doing it.