Wed, 20 Jan 16
Finished up my visceral anatomy class for Winter semester today. I was not feeling as relaxed as I thought I would being finished and accordingly, training was moderately mediocre.
8x365 - Considering I have done a set of 20 at this weight, this was garbage.
RDL (with backward band tension at hips)
10x45 + mini
8x135 + mini
8x225 + monster mini - Better band tension
8x275 + monster mini
2x8x315 + monster mini
DB Stepups (12" box)
2x12ea x 40
12ea x 50
Single Leg Back Extensions/Single Leg Calf Raise
2x{12ea x BW/25ea x BW}
10ea x BW/25ea x BW - The single leg back extensions are stupidly difficult for me to do on the right side, most likely because of my right side sacralization of my 5th lumbar vertebra.