Wed, 2 Dec 15
In keeping with my usual style of not killing myself during the first wave of starting a new program, things were relatively light today. Wave 2 we will increase the volume on supplemental work and most likely increase the intensity across the board, but for today, this was good. I haven't fully sweat through a shirt since summer and while the weather here is still fairly warm and supposed to stay in the 50s to 60s through at least mid December, the garage is decidedly cooler, though in no way uncomfortable thanks to being well insulated.
BB Hip Thrusts
12x165 - A lot of people hate on this exercise because it looks stupid or has a dumb name, or because they say it doesn't carry over to anything. I've used it at various times with positive results and I think it's very helpful for athletes, clients, and patients who may be having trouble with glute activation or who need to work hip extension without axial loading or putting too much stress on their backs due to injury, surgery, recovery considerations, etc. Do I think it is the end all and be all of glute training? No. But I do think it has its place at times and I also do notice a direct correlation between the weights I use for higher intensity/lower volume sets and my numbers on deadlift.
DB Stepups
12ea x 25
2x12ea x 45
Single Leg Calf Raise/Wtd Back Extension Planks/Supine Leg Raise with Hip Extension
25ea x BW/30"x25/11xBW
25ea x BW/30"x35/6xBW
30"x50 - I only did 2 sets of calves today because of the increase in volume and the fact that I enjoy walking without an assistive device. My sets of abs were short and oddly numbered because apparently my thunder thighs make this exercise extremely strenuous for me in a way that felt like I was going to strain the upper left portion of my abdominal muscles. I'll adjust things next time to get my 3 sets of each exercise.