Thurs, 20 Aug 15

While on vacation, I played foot golf for the first time, which is golf, but with a soccer ball.  You are on a golf course, and they have special giant-sized holes for the larger ball.  It was tons of fun and I found a place pretty close to where I love that offers it so I'll be doing it again for sure.  The irony of course, is that I'm still sore in my left tibialis anterior and adductors from playing on Monday.









Sumo DL




10x385 - I need to add more warmups for this.  I thought I would be warm after squatting, but since I don't use a super wide stance for squats, this was a whole different demand from my hips and it wasn't until the last set that I wasn't miserable doing these.

TS: DB Stepups/Banded Hip Abduction/Single Leg Calf Raise

3x{12ea x 35/20 x doubled light/20ea x BW}

The left calf weakness I thought was a fluke last week was gone, which was just fine by me and I need to go up on the stepups next time for sure as they were really too easy.  But since I started taking very long breaks between sets on sumo DL since my hips felt so crappy, I was just happy I finished up training as planned.