Sat, 29 Aug 15
Today was the end of the second 2 week wave of my current programming. Everything is getting stronger and faster, but I still have some nagging elbow issues (distal bicep on left arm and proximal wrist flexors on right arm). When I get all that cleared up though, I'll be is damn good shape.
Log C&J (clean each rep)
complex x 90
complex x 180
6x240 - Did this in about 45" and stopped because of my elbows. I would have either done another set here or gone up and done another, but right now I don't need to be able to rep the log so I stopped in favor of training smarter not harder.
Farmer's Walk
60'x330 - This was supposed to be 335, but I need another pair of 2.5s since I took one set to my house. Still about a half second faster than last time when I did 325 per hand though, so I'll take it.
Atlas Stones (to 52" platform)
6x240 - We finally broke in the stone platform I got in trade for my Conan's Wheel and it performed exactly as expected. Again my elbows were bothering me on this, but besides that all was good and right with the world.
Prowler/Sandbag Conditioning
4x{50'xprowler+90/50'x200 sandbag} - Done in a 3 man rotation, one implement down and the other back so everyone did two runs of each order.