Sat, 27 Feb 16

Another cold(er) event training day.  Nothing felt great, but then again nothing was particularly terrible either, and the prowler actually felt decent.  I kept all my intensities dialed back since I had to study the rest of the day and all day tomorrow for neuroscience.

Axle C&J (clean once)

complex x 70

complex x 120

complex x 160




3x270 - The more sets I did the better things felt and if I didn't have to train my brain later I would have definitely kept going up on this.


2x50' x 250

50' x 450

50' x 540 - Felt bad.

50' x 600 - Added belt, felt better.

50' x 700 - SSSSSSLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWPOKE.  I think I am noticing a trend with yoke that may lead to a helpful modification in how and when I train it, but further analysis is needed.

Prowler Hi/Lo

8x{50' x prowler+140 high handles/50' x prowler+140 low handles} - 2 man rotation