Sat, 5 Sept 15

Finally got to train with Inman (who recently joined the 300 club for his overhead) today for the first time since he got back in town from interning at Temple all summer.  Mike and Bill came out too and we hit some events to get ready for Maryland's Strongest Man which is coming up in 2 months.

Car Squat Simulator






13x585 - Nothing like a few gutteral utterances to get the people going.

Log/Circus DB Clean & Press Medley

log complex x 85

band complex

log complex x 175

3x225 (log)

1x275 (log)

3ea x 115 (CDB)

1x275/1ea x 135

1x275/1ea x 155 - Kept these lighter today to minimize strain on my left bicep.

Farmer's Walk (turn @ 50')

100' x 110

100' x 200

100' x 250

100' x 290 - My turns are still not great, but they are slowly improving.
