Sat, 10 Oct 15
Today was the last training session at the Unit MkIII. After we finished up, we moved everything into the new Unit MkIV (within the same storage complex) because we didn't need as much room anymore so a smaller, cheaper unit was most definitely in order. This was an easier event training day for me with only 4 weeks left until Maryland's Strongest Man. For my event training, I will go heavier next week, lighter the week after, and moderate the week before the comp. Everything felt pretty good today and everyone besides me hit PRs on one or more events today.
Press Medley (log/circus DB)
log complex x 85
band complex
log complex x 135
log complex x 175
3ea x 115 - CDB
1x225/1ea x 115
1x245/1ea x 135
2x{1x265/1ea x 155}
2x100' x 250
100' x 450
2x100' x 650 - Both runs sub 20 sec; the second one felt much better than the first one, but the first one was about 1.5 sec faster, proving once again that I am completely unable to judge how a yoke run goes for me by feel.
Stone Over Bar (54")
1x300 - All done tackyless, which was a royal pain in the butt since the 240 and 280 stones are desperately in need of recoating with spray on rubber and the dust and grit threw a rather large wrench in the gears as far as not having the stones slip out of my grip,down my shirt, off my forearms.