Mon, 19 Oct 15

Today was my 4th training day in a row, which is often a crapshoot as to whether I'll feel like 50 lbs of doodoo in a 10 lb sack or not.  Despite studying for and taking an exam today (the studying also obviously occurred over the weekend) and having to study for an impending online anatomy quiz tonight which I just finished, training was excellent.  As I've said before, this should not be so surprising since it is all going according to plan, but oh so often the need to resort to the backup plan or further iterations arises.  This was not the last heavy overhead day of this 9 wave (16 week) block of training, but it is the heaviest I will go on log before Maryland's Strongest Man in a little less than 3 weeks.  Since the press event is a medley, of which the first part is a 300 lb log clean and press, I do not need to go any heavier as I might be inclined to do if it were a max log or if the contest weight were heavier.  The medley is a 300 lb log, 190 circus DB, and then heavy to very heavy viking press for reps, so it should make for quite the spectacle if any of us make it to the third implement.

Log Clean & Jerk (clean once)

complex x 85

complex x 135

complex x 175




2x1x315 - First set was not bad, second set was easier so I bumped up on the third set.

1x325 - Third set was actually the easiest of the 3, even though I got a little sloppy on the split jerk.

Incline Bench







Wtd Neutral Grip Pullups


3x8x25 - I was kipping significantly on the last 3 reps of the third set.

Triceps Pushdowns




Wtd Hypers/Paused Band External Rotation

3x{15x40/12ea x mini with a 3 count hold}