Besides me feeling like I should be in a rest home after that deadlift training a couple days back im ready to get some light volume in and work on some stuff.
I'm trying to build my shelf bigger - my shelf to me is my traps. Every since Goldberg came out back in the day I have had a hard on for growing mine as big as possible. I want them bigger not just for looks but for function. When I set up on the bench I really dig my traps in. For me the bigger the traps the better my stabilization is on the bench.
I'm trying to build my triceps - Who don't like having big horseshoes on the back of your arms? Shoot I love it! Again this is not just for looks. I need my horsies bigger to fill out the sleeves in my shirt plus they give me the power at lockout to kill that heavy weight. I am really working on my back triceps (that cabeca longa!) For me its my second gear so to speak. I really rely on them to finish the lift for me. So bigger and stronger cabeca longa = bigger bench-press!
I'm trying to build my shoulders, delts - Since I have some major issues going on (labrum tear, which is not getting better) I am doing my best to grow the area around it. Mask it if you will. I know, no the answer but I am holding out as long as I can till I have to have surgery. I am really working this are but being smart about it.
So here we go:
Straight Bar Tricep press downs
6 sets x 50 reps each
Seated Banded Face Pulls
6 sets x 40 reps each
Standing DB Cheerleaders
4 sets x 50 reps each set
Standing DB Shrugs
200 total reps
Wide Grip D Handle Wide Bar Lat Pull downs
4 sets x 10 reps each set
Standing Overhead Machine Press
5 sets x 10 reps each set