I've taken this whole week off to rest and get ready for the meet this weekend. I don't feel as if I'm fully prepared for the meet since I had some curve balls thrown at me, but I can't really remember a meet I went into FULLY prepared...there's always something.
I'll be competing against a lot of friends this time around which should make this a great meet just because of that. My training partner, Neal Cotton, and I will be competing against one another for the first time and we've been talking shit all week; more so him making fun of me being old and having grip and back issues. I'm going to have to build a lead with the squat and bench because I know he'll out pull me so it should be interesting to watch...as interesting as a powerlifting meet meet can be anyway.
My wife and kids will be at this meet too and my two youngest haven't seen me compete and the oldest can't remember having been to a meet. They will be cheering me on and videoing my lifts and the wife should be doing updates on Facebook to keep those that want to be informed, informed.
Thank you to everyone that sent me birthday messages. It made turning 43 a little more bearable.