Well bad just got worse....

There is never a good time for bad sh*t to happen. It just decides to raise its ugly head when it wants and don't give a damn what time it is, what's going on, what's on the line, the importance of your life or how it will affect you when it does. No f#@ks are given when bad decides to strike....

As I am warming up and just getting into the nuts and bolts of my bench work sets I feel a weird pain (not a pop) but something in my right pec. Really? Yes really. I stopped after that set and decided whatever is wrong its time to chill and not make it worse. I went on and did my supplemental stuff and left it alone. We will see what happens over the next few days....

Raw Bench

1 x bar - 1
1 x 135 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 315 - 1

OHP Machine

5 x 10

Seated Row

4 x 10

Banded Triceps Press Downs

100 continuous reps
