My training log says Week 11 which it is but overall:
2 weeks off before my meet
2 weeks off after my meet
11 weeks of off season training and rehab
15 total weeks - Almost 4 months!

Much needed time to try and get my body back together for another run. My pec seems to be getting better. About every two weeks I am stepping up my raw bench attempts to test my pec and see where I am in my healing process. So far so good.

Today I hit 365 pounds like gravy but I will admit I was a little timid. The reason: its been almost 2.5 years I have even taken that much weight raw full range (no boards - which I have take this weight and more to boards or with slingshot)! So for me this was a big deal. Not the 500 pound raw bench anytime I want big deal but progress.

We will start a new training cycle in just 2 weeks. I'm excited. I'm ready to get back to the grind of heavy singles, block pulls, cheating with reverse bands that don't seem to help you....Lol...., and more gear whore cheating. Who knows I may even throw in reverse bands to a high box, with wraps, belt, briefs, pre workout and start an eruption of hate!

Many forget a lot of us old heads were hitting big raw numbers before it was the cool thing to do or even better before some of these kids were born or out of puberty. Remember I am a gear whore first and foremost. I lifted raw full power 3 times in my 25 year career just for the hell of it. 750 squat/ 530 bench/ 615 deadlift/ totaled raw full power elite in my very first meet. So there you go. I get tired of seeing the multiply guys get tore down about not being "raw" strong. Truth be told if half of the top multiply guys did take their gear off their would be some hurt feelings in the raw community. Believe me....

Back to my old ass hitting a post pec PR on bench!....

Raw Bench

1 x bar - 2
1 x 135 - 2
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 365 - 1
1 x 225 - 25
1 x 225 - 25

OHP Machine

200 total reps

Seated Chest Press

200 total reps

Pec Dec

200 total reps

Banded Fat Bar Tri Press Downs

200 total reps