Getting in one more high volume squat day today before we start up our new training cycle. We don't do a lot of high box squats but for myself I love doing them. It really allows me to work my hips and hammies with heavy weight and high volume. Paused Box squats when done correctly for myself, recruits more muscle fibers to get out of the hole which, equals to more strength and more growth plus I don't get as sore from training high volume box squats and I recover much faster than when doing regular squats for volume.
We did 100 total reps today plus accessory work after. I was seeing dead people after this....
High Box Squats with SSB
1 x bar - 10
1 x 160 - 1
1 x 250 - 1
1 x 340 - 1
1 x 430 - 1
5 x 525 - 10
4 x 610 - 10
1 x 700 - 10
5 x 10
Leg Curl
5 x 10
Leg Press
5 x 10
DB Shrugs
5 x 10