*super series warm-up
*face pulls
Grenade Pressdown
- 45 x 15 x 3
- 60 x 10 x 2
Press w/ Chain
- 1 chain x 15
- 2 x 15
- 3 x 10
- 4 x 7
- 180 x 10 x 4
Front raise w/ Plate
- 45 x 10 x 5
DB Lateral
- 50 x 10 x 2
- 55 x 10
- 60 x 10
I thought that by doing presses with the chains that it wouldn't feel so bad on my elbow, but I was wrong. All was okay until I got to 4 chains and then it felt like I was getting stabbed in the elbow with each rep. This further reduces the exercises I can do without pain...can't wait to see what happens when I put the bench shirt on.