*super series shoulder warm-up
- 135 x 15 x 2
- 185 x 10
- 225 x 5
- 275 x 3
- 315 x 5
- 365 x 1
- 405 x 3 - black catapult
- 455 x 2
- 495 x 1 x 3 - silver catapult
DB Bench
- 80 x 10 x 2
- 100 x 10
- 125 x 8
Fat V-bar Pressdown
- 105 x 10 x 4
Today was the first day benching in 3 weeks due to elbow and shoulder issues, but thanks to cortisone injections, celebrex and tramadol I was able to bench today with minimal pain and handled more weight than I expected I'd be able to after 3 weeks of doing nothing. Next week the bench shirt goes on and the real fun begins.