*super series warm-up

Overhead Leverage Press

  • bar x 20 x 2
  • 45 x 10
  • 70 x 10
  • 90 x 8 x 3
  • 70 x 10

DB Lateral and Front Raise

  • 35 x 10 x 4

Lat Saw °45 Pulldown

  • 225 x 10 x 4

Fat V-Bar Press down

  • 105 x 10 x 4

Grip Machine

  • 140 x 40 seconds x 2
  • 175 x as long as possible x 3

In an attempt to give my elbow and shoulder a "break" I'll be doing some overhead stuff instead, but I'm not sure how long that may last since it was almost as uncomfortable as benching. However, it gives me some room to negotiate and get some work in.