Summary of the past week's main training sessions - This past week I began a new Box Squat Cycle with the SSB and Bands, using Briefs; in replacement of my normal Deadlift Rep Day. I wrote about this more in last week's log.

(Training videos can be found on my Instagram page)

(You can read about my current competition plans here)

Day 1 - Box Squat (Dynamic Emphasis)

A. SSB Box Squats vs Average Bands (in briefs) - 10x2 w/ 335+bands, then 1x2 w/ 355+bands

B. SSB Good Mornings - 3x8

C1. GHR - 3x10

C2. Ab Wheel - 3x8

Day 2 - Strength Circuit - wearing 25lb weight vest

1. Front Squat - 5 reps

2. OHP - 5 reps

3. Chinups - 8 reps

4. Pushups - 10 reps

*5 rounds done as quickly as possible

*Increased to 145lbs on barbell

*Completed in 10:50

Day 3 - Squat Focus

A. Squats (down week): 395x5

B1. Pause Squats - 3x5

B2. Chin Ups - 3x8

C1. GHR - 3x12

C2. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x10

Day 4 - Bench Focus

A. Bench Press Top Set: 255x5

B1. Pause Spoto Press - 3x5

B2. Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes - 3x15

D1. Tricep Extensions - 3x15

D2. Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 3x8 each arm

For training questions, coaching, or feedback - You can always feel free to comment or email me at / You can also visit PeakMentalPerformance.Org for information and podcasts on training, mental health, and coaching.