


Its been 15 days straight of sanding and painting but we are seeing some light at the end of this tunnel!

Time is closing in fast on needing to be moved in so we are busting our ass trying to get done so we can. We have spent more money in the past 8 weeks than we have in the past 8 months. My Dad would be proud in what all we have done for sure. Its exciting but taxing at the same time. We are defiantly going to need a vacation when we are done!

Here is what we did today:

Fat Incline BB Bench-Press

1 x bar - 5
1 x 135 - 5
1 x 185 - 5
1 x 225 - 5
1 x 225 - 5
1 x 225 - 5
1 x 225 - 5
1 x 225 - 5

Banded Fat Bar Press Downs

200 total reps

BB Shrugs

5 x 20

Seated Chest Press

5 x 10

Pec Dec

5 x 10
