For those not aware my raw bench-press training has been really non existent the past year or more. I mean I have trained raw but with reverse bands, boards and/or the use of a Slingshot/Catapult. Nothing full range. I have two really bad shoulders and a left torn labrum that is not getting any better and it wont till I have it repaired. So I have had to be very cautious and careful with any raw training that I was doing so not to make things worse then they currently already are.

Me being a bench only guy I know how to gauge my raw power and the conversion it gives me in my shirted lifting. My shirted lifting has suffered tremendously due to the lack of raw benching. I do mean tremendously. I know if I ever plan to hit anything significant again in multiply benching I got to start getting my raw bench power back up.

After about getting killed at my last meet with my shirt blowing out I took a week to reflect and start laying out a plan of attack for my body. Our off season training is pretty grueling to say the least but I needed more than just feeling like I had been run over by a truck after each training day. I needed a solid plan to build my upper body up. Fill in mass and muscle around my shoulders I didn't have, increase my back size and power, train my triceps to push weight like nitro and to build confidence back in myself.

So for 7 weeks I did these things. I used tons of volume and calculated movements that were going to help me. I can see a difference. Just not in appearance but in the results. I feel strong again. My confidence is growing. My focus is laser locked again....

I am basing my raw projection off of 405 pounds. I know....but I have to start somewhere and with something. I'm trying to be smart. I don't want to take 2 steps back again. So lets be smart and take baby steps forward and have an end goal of success and not let pride get in the way. Here we go....

BB Bench-Press with Paused Reps

used a half board on all sets
used close grip on all sets

1 x bar - 1
1 x 135 - 1
1 x 185 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 265 - 4
1 x 265 - 4
1 x 315 - 4

Incline DB Press

1 x 120's - 20
1 x 120's - 20
1 x 120's - 20

Seated Chest Press Machine

3 sets x 12 reps each set

DB Shrugs

200 total reps

Banded Triceps Press downs

100 cont reps x 2 sets
