Raw doggin today! I will try my best to bench raw one week and multiply the next as I always have. This allows me to get the best of both worlds and also try and get my base raw bench power back to somewhat respectable.
I have to be careful with too much volume. My Labrum don't like it when I get too carried away. I'm fragile right now so I have to be super smart, super careful....what a minute, I'm never any of those things! Damn it! Keep your fingers crossed for me!....
Close Grip Fat Bar Floor Press
1 x bar - 2
1 x 135 - 2
1 x 185 - 2
1 x 225 - 2
1 x 275 - 2
1 x 315 - 2
1 x 365 - 2
1 x 405 - 2
1 x 405 - 2
1 x 405 - 2
1 x 405 - 2
Raw Close Grip Bench
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
Tsunami Bar Lat Pulldowns
4 x 12
Rope Tri Press Downs
5 x 20
DB Shrugs
5 x 20
OHP Machine
4 x 12