
Cambered Bar - Parallelish Box

  • bar x 10 x 2
  • 135 x 10
  • 225 x 5
  • 315 x 3
  • 405 x 1
  • 495 x 5 - added briefs
  • 495 x 5 x 3 - added 80# in chains

Standing Ab Work

  • 135 x 15 x 4

This was the final squat day with anything significant on my back. Everything felt as it should and felt easy enough. I'll definitely need to get a couple of adjustments and massage work done between now and next weekend since I can feel the pressure in my back not letting off and my QL and mid-back are in knots right now. I also tried going without my celebrex and tramadol today to see how things felt and it wasn't the best decision. I suppose it's something I'll need to keep consistent with for the next couple of weeks. After this meet I'll likely be taking a bit of a break.