I recently lifted in the 2019 USPA National Championships where I totaled 1767 in wraps at 198 via a 655 squat, 451 bench and 661 deadlift. Next up is an off-season and picking a meet. 

Day 1

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1. Squat- SSB Pauses, sets of 5 up to 355. This still feels pretty easy, RPE 6-7. No reason to push too hard yet.

2. Deadlift against chains - 6 sets of chain, doubles up to 405. Decided I wanted to take these a little heavier than before. Same as the squat, easy and no reason to push hard yet.

3. Low Box Squats - 5 doubles at 245 with 4 sets of chain and the SSB. I want to do these as dynamic effort, blew through them quickly with 30 second rest periods. Actually timed the rest to make it accurate.

4. Kettlebell Swings - 3 x 15 @ 65

Day 2

Normally I would do this day at the Powerhouse gym in Kalamazoo, but I was leaving on a work trip this morning so I got it done at home before I left. On a side note, multiple flights in the last couple weeks has left my back and neck twisted up, chiro appointment next week to get that fixed up.

1. Barbell Row - 4 x 8 up to 225. I try to use very little body English on these. The weight stays light as a result. Used our new elitefts power bar to do these and reaffirmed my desire for a deadlift bar version of this bar. The knurling is AWESOME and hurts so good. I want a deadlift bar with the same on it, really bad. As a side note, this is the best power bar out there now. I love my Texas bar, but this one is even better. I prefer it even over the bigger 50-55 pound bench bars I've used. It's all in the knurling!

2. Lat Pull down  4 x 12 @ 100. Our cheap lat pulldown is a hard machine! Don't need much weight to make it work. Not bad for a $40 Craigslist snag.

3. Seated Cable Row - 4 x 12 @ 120

4. Rotator Cuff rotations  - 4 x 10 with mini band. I'm sure there is a technical name for these.

5. Band Pull a part -  4 x 10 with mini band
