6/13 - Heavy Squat/Speed DL

PRI breathing drills
McGill Big 3
4 FRC dynamic hip stretches

Squat (belt/sleeves)
585 for 6 sets of 3
- Great quality technical work here. This made me feel like I am really hitting my stride with my new squat mechanics (lower bar position, wider grip on the bar, wider stance, more pronounced lean forward from start to finish in the movement)
545 x 8 - ties rep PR

Video of 4th set of 3 on squat - https://instagram.com/p/BGnX_V3BNea/

Speed Deadlifts (calibrated kg plates, Texas DL bar)
507 lbs / 230 kgs for 8 sets of 2, 30 second timed rest periods between sets

High Bar Close Stance Squats (w/ Duffalo Bar)
465 for 4 sets of 6, 3 count pause in the hole on each rep

Belt Squat Marching Superset w/ Hanging Leg Raises
50 total reps on each movement

Pretty pleased with how this session went. Mechanics were crisp on both the squat and deadlift, and my body's holding up nicely to the amount of volume we're doing at the beginning of this phase.

6/14 Heavy Bench Press

Bench Press
Worked up to 455x1 with a pause
- Bar speed was solid on this set. I've been working diligently on my set-up to get more weight on my traps/neck and a stronger arch from my cervical spine, and it seems to be paying off in terms of how the weight's moving and how tight my form feels. I strained my left tricep pretty good coming off the chest on my top set, but was able to push through and finish the session strong. Had some Graston's done on it at the end of the week and it was good as new.

Video of top set - https://instagram.com/p/BGr7QOthNZl/

Bench Press w/ Black Metal Catapult
510x2 - felt a little heavier in the hands that it "should have", but was able to maintain form and bar speed to an acceptable level

Close Grip Incline Barbell Bench Press
305x6 - PR
315x6 - PR - I guess my tricep couldn't have been too screwed up to wind up with two pressing PR's after the fact. I haven't done straight bar incline pressing in forever, as I prefer to use the Football Bar to save my shoulders. The gym I trained at for this session didn't have one, so I'll attribute the PR to all the time I've had off that particular implement.

Rope Pushdowns
4 sets of 20 reps just to get some fresh blood moving through the tricep, called it there.

6/19 - Speed Bench Press

Unfortunately had to shit can one training session during this week due to a busier than usual work schedule, and a hiring exam for a fire department in my area. Accessory day is always going to be the workout on the chopping block when time gets tight. I just added a bit of extra volume into this session to get a little extra work done.

Speed Bench Press
Worked up to 355 for 10 doubles, 60 seconds timed rest periods between sets.

Close Grip Football Bar Floor Press
345x3, stopped here, elbows were screaming

Swiss Bar Standing Military Press

Close Grip/Mag Grip Lat Pulldowns
5 sets 10 reps, holding each rep at chin level for a 2 count

DB Rear Laterals (head on bench) superset w/ Band Pullaparts
55's for 4 sets of 12 superset w/ monster mini band Pullaparts till failure

Band Pushdowns superset w/ Band Curls
100 total reps in as few sets as possible. Used a purple light band for both Pushdowns and curls.