
  • 145 x 10 x 2
  • 255 x 5
  • 345 x 2
  • 455 x 2 - added Ace briefs
  • 545 x 1
  • 635 x 1
  • 725 x 1 - Ace suit - straps down
  • 815 x 1 - straps up
  • 905 x 1 - knee wraps
  • 975 x 1 - opener
  • 1025 x 1 - reverse monster mini - potential second attempt - cut it

I was supposed to pull today and do my opener, but after squatting I had no desire to do so. I had a great deal of trouble sitting back into the suit today and it can be seen in the videos as my hips shoot back and forth. I should have had someone calling my depth today too, but I decided to try and feel my way there....poor decision.

I'll be pulling my opener and second on Thursday instead.