Well this will be the last day of training for a few days. We are taking off out of Charleston, SC, then off to the Bahamas. This will be our pre-honeymoon cruise. I have only been on a cruise one time before and that was 18 years ago, so this will be quite the treat to get to do this again.

We will be going with our besties, Shelly and Jason and none of us will have any kids, no work, no training for the next week and I cant wait.

Here is my pretty boy get jacked training today before we leave:

Standing DB Hammers

5 x 20

Bent Over DB Curls

5 x 20

Cable Machine Curls

5 x 20

Seated Chest Press Machine

5 x 20

Standing Cable Crossovers

5 x 20

Forearm Machine

5 x 20

DB Shrugs

5 x 20
