I needed to work on those horse shoes today....

Hammer Swings

6 pound hammer - one arm and 2 arm swings - 3 sets each
8 pound hammer - one arm and 2 arm swings - 3 sets each
10 pound hammer - one arm and 2 arm swings - 3 sets each

Body Tempering

Quads, hamstrings, back, calves

Band Stretching

hips, hamstrings

Hanging Stretch for Shoulders and Back

3 sets - 30 seconds each

Inversion Table

3 sets - 60 seconds upside down

Banded Triceps Press Down

4 x 100 continuous reps

Single Arm Overhead Press

4 x 15

DB Overhead Triceps Ext

2 x 100 continuous reps

BB Shrugs

200 reps
