This week I dropped down to the elitefts blue strong bands.

I can defiantly tell over the past couple of training cycles my pick up is getting better. 900 pounds does not feel like 900 pounds to me anymore. If that makes sense. My confidence with this weight has grown leeps and bounds. Once I get over 950ish though I can tell my body is still trying to adjust. Its like anything it takes time. Also in time 950ish will feel the way 900 feels to me right now.

Once I got to 980 tonight I was getting tired and my body was ready to be done. I picked the weight up fine but I can feel my CNS not liking whats going on. My mind and my body are trying to adjust, not just to the weight but the pressure of the wight, the pressure of the suit and my confidence taking its time to adjust as well.

I cant speak for others but for me the pick up is the part for me to master first, the the decent, then standing back up but right now - my pick up is on point and the standing back up is on point but my decent is not. Im shaking some and seem a little loose getting in the hole. Im not sure what is going on nor why I am shaking going down. Maybe its apart of the process. I will do my best to clean this up over time....

Rev Band Squat with elitefts blue bands
Used Metal Ace Briefs on all warm-up and work sets


1 x bar - 1
1 x 135 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 405 - 1
1 x 505 - 1

Add Bands

1 x 600 - 1
1 x 700 - 1


1 x 800 - 1
1 x 900 - 1
1 x 980 - 1

Leg Press

3 x 20

DB Shrugs

5 x 20

MAG Wide Grip Pulldowns

3 x 10

