Death by rawwwwwwwwwww! Lol....
Volume and reps today. I love training this way during the off season. For me the off season is like a boxer training for a fight. The off season is the training that gets me ready for the meet training cycle. All the hardwork is done now for the next several weeks then I am in better shape, stronger, technique is better dialed in and I am more mentally focused.
I wanted to feel as if my triceps were ready to fall off today. Mission accomplished....
Raw Close Grip Bench-Press
2board on all sets
1 x bar - 5
1 x 135 - 5
1 x 185 - 5
1 x 225 - 20
1 x 225 - 20
1 x 225 - 35
Far Bar Triceps Press Down
300 total reps
Standing OH Tri Ext
100 total reps
Push Ups
5 x 25
Seated Chest Press
10 x 20