More of the same. More of the same that keeps working for me. Days like this truly help my old butt. Im glad in recent years I have learned the value of being smarter and listening to my body. Long gone are the days of trying to be tough, or hardcore and lets face it, just plain stupid. I don't care what anyone says, do what works for you on recovery and rest. That's what I am doing and guess what, 25 years later, 75 meets later, 5 surgeries later....Im still here....
3 sets x 15 swings left and 15 swings right
Band Pullaparts
3 x 20
Shoulder Band Stretch
3 x 30 seconds each side
Body Tempering
quads, back, hamstrings
Inversion Table
3 x 1 minute sets
1000 strides
Body Buffering