4/4 - Squat

Hard foam roll
McGill's Big 3
PRI Breathing Drills
5 part static hip stretch series

Lying Leg Curls
6 sets 10 reps - following the trend of a 1 second hold at the top, 2-3 second negative

Duffalo Bar Squats
8 sets of 6 reps with 425, short rest periods

Notes: FINALLY feel like I've got my mid/lower bar position feeling more natural. Didn't have to fight to get the bar down on my rear delts/traps like I have the past few weeks, and stopped having balance issues with a slight lean in my low back throughout the movement. These squats felt great. Can't wait to get some weight on the bar and see what kind of carryover I'll get from this change!

Banded Leg Press (2 average bands choked underneath leg press)
5 sets of 10 reps

Notes: Love this exercise! This is the first time they were in the program. The added tension at lockout isn't what made them so challenging. Controlling the negative against the band tension was really tough and brought forth a strong quad pump.

Leg Extensions
3 sets 15 reps, 5 second hold at the top!

One Leg Reverse Hypers
3 sets 15-20 reps

Notes: Slow down the negative as much as possible and start the reps with as little momentum as possible. These blow up my glutes and have been a favorite for that muscle group for years now. I get a lot more out of the single leg variation than I do by using both legs.

Left the gym feeling great after this session, feeling optimistic about my future with the lower bar position on my squat.

4/5 - Bench and Chest/Shoulder Accessory

Low Incline DB Flies
30's + 2 micro mini's around back x 12
35's + 2 micro mini's around back x 10
40's + 2 micro mini's around back x 10 x 2

Notes: Added in the micro mini's for an extra challenge on controlling the negative here. The stretch with the addition of the bands was awesome.

Buffalo Bar Bench Press
4 sets of 5 reps with 375

Notes: I've been using the buffalo bar as my primary

Duffalo Bar Bench Press vs Bands (feet up)
145 + short mini band, doubled micro band x 10
155 + short mini band, doubled micro band x 10 x 2

Notes: The program called for machine chest presses, but our cable machine was out of commission yesterday. Thinking about how much I sucked at feet up presses w/ the Duffalo last week, I ran this idea by coach for assistance and he obliged. Added the bands in there to force me to press hard all the way through lockout, which I also suck at. These hit where I'm weak at fantastically. I'm a strong presser off the chest due to my leg drive, but my pecs themselves are pretty weak. Might have to make variations of feet up presses a regular thing...

TRX Stretch Pushups (feet elevated)
4 sets to 1 rep near failure. Took the stretch to the limits of my flexibility, and paused each rep there for 1 second when I found it.

Band 4 Ways
4 sets 15 reps with a mini band

Over and Back Presses
4 sets 10 reps - these are just Bradford presses that aren't locked out, keeping maximum tension on the shoulders
superset w/
DB Side Laterals
4 sets 12-10 reps with 15-20 lb dumbbells - held the reps at the top for as long as possible, and slowed the negative for as long as I could have. 15 lb dumbbells were torturous! It's amazing what kind of work can be done with light weight when you focus on time under tension.