I wanted to test the old shoulder out today with some floor pressing and I found out exactly what I already new but needed to be reassured of, my shoulder is fu$*Ed! I have been needing surgery for over 3 years now to get this damn thing fixed but I keep putting it off. Why you ask? Because I am stupid, pride and I don't want to start all over again. Grrrr.......

Fat Bar Floor Pressin

1 x 135 - 3
1 x 225 - 3
1 x 315 - 3
1 x 405 - 2 - I had to step it back down here
1 x 315 - 3
1 x 315 - 3
1 x 315 - 3
1 x 315 - 3

Banded Face Pulls

5 x 40

Banded Tri Press Downs

5 x 20

Banded Pull Aparts

5 x 20
