Another week that I am still in pain and don't want to risk making the situation worse by benching today. Of course this is not what I want to be doing right now, this isn't as fun as benching 700 or 800 pounds but I am forcing myself to listen to my body. I'm not sure how this will affect me in the next several weeks at the meet by me missing these bench session days but I guess the alternative could be making the situation worse and not being able to bench at all in weeks to come.

I'm betting on and hoping on the thousands upon thousands of lifts that I have taken in my life on the bench has built enough muscle memory that I will not forget how to bench when the time comes in a few weeks. For right now I am going to rest, be smart, keep my fingers crossed and remain focused.

Here is what I mustered up to do today....

Lat Pulldowns with close grip triangle bar

4 x 10

Triceps Pressdowns with V-Bar (light)

5 x 15

Pec Dec

4 x 15

DB Shrugs

5 x 20

Banded Face Pulls

5 x 20


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