We are back safe and sound in North Cakalaki and the weather is for shit. We leave eighty degrees and sunshine and come home to forty degrees and rain, YAY!

Well I have decided once again to give sumo pulling another chance. I have tried to do this before in the past and it's like trying to eat spinach. You try to eat healthy but that shit tastes terrible. So to me deadlifting conventional or sumo tastes terrible. I just f'n hate it, but this time I will do my best to stick with it and we will see what happens.

I will be strictly focusing on my form and technique tonight. I will be pulling in my Metal canvas suit and see how that goes. Wish me luck!

Multiply Pulls

1 x 135 - 10
1 x 225 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10


5 x 10

Leg Curls

5 x 10

Leg Ext

5 x 10

Calf Raises

5 x 20

BB Shrugs

5 x 20

Banded Face Pulls

5 x 20
