Finally a day I can put a bar in my hand! I am still being cautious as I can with my shoulder injury but still trying to put in work but not over doing it at the same time. This is tough to manage. This week will be all about hitting the big three lifts to see where I am after several weeks off from them. I'm excited to test the waters....

Raw Bench-press Close Grip with 2board

1 x bar - 2
1 x 135 - 2
1 x 185 - 2
1 x 225 - 2
1 x 315 - 2
1 x 365 - 2
1 x 405 - 2

Elitefts Grenade Balls Triceps Press downs

200 total reps

T Bar Rows

5 x 10

Pec Dec

5 x 10

Cable Flyes

5 x 10

DB Shrugs

5 x 20
