Im very frustrated that I can not go heavy right now due to my torn labrum. I have always been a raw bench guy first and have taken pride in my raw bench-press over the years and my numerous 500+ pounds bench in many meets over the years.

My pride is getting to me. Having to work around this injury and not go full range SUCKS. So with this being said I am sticking to my guns and just working on lock out power. Even with board presses the pressure I feel in my shoulder is awful. It makes me nervous getting too heavy raw on the bench. I keep telling myself be safe and be smart. Im doing my best. This getting old thing is well getting old....

BB 3board Raw Bench-Press

used 3board on all sets
used close grip on all sets

1 x 135 - 5
1 x 185 - 5
1 x 225 - 5
1 x 275 - 5
1 x 315 - 10
1 x 315 - 10
1 x 315 - 10
1 x 315 - 10
1 x 315 - 10

Assisted Dips

25 reps

Push Ups

100 reps

Standing Overhead Tri Ext

100 reps

Incline BB

100 reps

Banded Tri Ext

100 reps
