Squat - Mastodon Bar
- Bar x 10 x 2
- 150 x 8
- 260 x 5
- 350 x 2
- 460 x 2 - added Ace briefs
- 550 x 1
- 640 x 1
- 730 x 1 - added Ace suit - straps down
- 820 x 1 - straps up
- 870 x 1
- 930 (~89%) x 1
- 970 (~92%) x 1 ish
I didn't have the best of training days. I had issues from beginning to end and couldn't seem to pull my head out of my ass. The 970 was a catastrophe when it came to form and technique as well as cutting it. The good thing is that it moved well enough which made me feel a little better since it is my tentative opener for the meet.
I also got out squatted by my buddy Neal Cotton today which makes me proud and pissy all at once. He's been working hard and we are going to have a great battle in a few weeks.