T-Bar Row
- 90 x 10
- 135 x 10
- 180 x 10
- 225 x 10 x 4
Close Grip Pulldown
- 225 x 10 x 3
Beached Whale Row
- 135 x 10 x 2
- 185 x 8 x 2
Front Raise w/ Plate
- 45 x 12 x 5
Norah was home with a fever again today so I trained later than normal. Meredith came home from school and was nice enough to watch her little sister while I went to OBB for a little bit. Ceasar was nice enough to leave some gainz for me in the form of a 2.5 and a heart around it. haha
Norah has had a fever for a week now and we've taken her to the pediatrician twice in the last 4 days to have her checked out. She's been put on anti-biotics now and hopefully this fever will be under control soon. She woke with a 102 this morning so we sat on the couch watching cartoons together and made up our own secret handshake too. She's handling being sick like a champ. Hopefully she'll be better and back in school by Thursday.