Again against better judgment from my surgeon, I trained legs a little bit today. Lol, I know I cant help it! I feel like I am shrinking!

I only trained my hammies and calves. I did movements that did not irritate my knee and it went well. Unless your a liftaholic, you can shake your head all you want but unless you have that unquenchable thirst to lift in your body and soul, you will never understand this and I cant put it into words for you to understand.

Meet is getting close for my teammates. Surgery is looming and summer is upon us. Here we go....


5 x 10

Leg Curls

5 x 10

Calf Raises

5 x 50

Standing DB Hammer Curls

5 x 10

Standing DB Cable Curls

5 x 10

DB Shrugs

5 x 20
