Today I wanted to just test my squat in briefs with wraps doing some rev band work. We used elitefts light bands choked on the mono.
I feel like my technique is getting locked in better and my confidence is continueing to rise. This offseason I have put in work like crazy to get my weak areas less weak and add some size to my quads and hammies. So far so good.
I worked up to 865 pounds and all went well. Our new training cycle is closing in fast and I am ready to get started. Meet time coming up in December. Its time to get focused again....
Rev Band Squats
1 x bar - 1
1 x 135 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 405 - 1
1 x 500 - 1
1 x 600 - 1
1 x 700 - 1
1 x 775 - 1
1 x 865 - 1
5 x 20
Leg Curls
5 x 20
Rev Hyper
5 x 10
DB Shrugs
5 x 40